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 Leveraging Bridging Loans for Refinancing Commercial Properties with Low Weighted Average Unexpired Lease Term (WAULT)


In the real estate market, properties with a low Weighted Average Unexpired Lease Term (WAULT) often pose significant refinancing challenges. WAULT is a critical metric that provides insight into the risk profile of a property by calculating the average time remaining on all leases, weighted by the income from each lease. Properties with a low WAULT indicate that many leases are nearing expiration, which can signal potential future vacancies and a less predictable income stream. Bridging loans, short-term financing solutions, offer a strategic approach to manage and refinance such properties. This article explores how bridging loans can effectively be used to refinance properties with a low WAULT, providing flexibility and opportunities for property owners and investors.

Understanding WAULT and Its Impact on Refinancing

WAULT Defined: WAULT is a fundamental metric used by lenders and investors to assess the risk and stability of income from a commercial property. It calculates the average remaining lease term, weighted by the income each lease generates. A low WAULT typically means that the leases are close to their end dates, which can lead to higher perceived risk due to potential tenant turnover and the uncertainty of securing new leases.

Challenges of Low WAULT Properties: Properties with low WAULT present several refinancing challenges:

  1. Perceived Risk: Lenders view properties with imminent lease expirations as higher risk due to potential future vacancies and income instability.
  2. Valuation Issues: Properties with shorter lease terms might be valued lower because the income stream is not guaranteed in the long term.
  3. Limited Loan Options: Traditional lenders often have stringent criteria for refinancing, making it difficult for properties with low WAULT to qualify for favourable loan terms.

The Role of Bridging Loans in Refinancing

What is a Bridging Loan? A bridging loan is a short-term financing solution designed to “bridge” the gap between immediate funding needs and long-term financing solutions. These loans are typically used to cover short-term cash flow issues, provide quick capital for property purchases, or fund urgent renovations.

Characteristics of Bridging Loans:

  1. Short-Term Duration: Typically ranging from a few months to two years.
  2. Fast Approval: Bridging loans can be arranged quickly, often within a few days to a couple of weeks.
  3. Higher Interest Rates: Due to the short-term nature and higher risk, interest rates are generally higher compared to traditional mortgages.
  4. Flexible Repayment Terms: Repayment terms can be more flexible, accommodating the borrower’s timeline and financial strategy.

How Bridging Loans Can Refinance Low WAULT Properties

1. Immediate Cash Flow and Stabilization Bridging loans can provide immediate cash flow to property owners, allowing them to stabilize the property by securing new tenants or renegotiating existing leases. This period of stabilization is crucial for properties with low WAULT, as it can increase the property’s appeal to long-term lenders by reducing the perceived risk.

Case Study: Stabilizing a Low WAULT Office Building Consider an office building with several leases set to expire within the next six months. The property owner secures a bridging loan to cover the immediate financial needs and uses the funds to:

  • Offer lease renewal incentives to existing tenants.
  • Upgrade common areas to attract new tenants.
  • Market vacant spaces more aggressively.

After successfully stabilizing the tenant base and extending lease terms, the property’s WAULT improves, making it more attractive to long-term lenders for refinancing at better terms.

2. Renovations and Value-Add Opportunities Bridging loans can finance renovations or value-add improvements that enhance the property’s marketability and rental income potential. By investing in upgrades, property owners can increase the likelihood of attracting long-term tenants, thereby extending the WAULT and reducing the risk profile.

Case Study: Value-Add in a Retail Property A retail property with a low WAULT faces the risk of multiple tenant turnovers. The owner obtains a bridging loan to fund a significant renovation project, including:

  • Modernizing store fronts and interiors.
  • Improving energy efficiency.
  • Adding amenities such as parking and Wi-Fi.

These improvements attract high-quality tenants willing to commit to longer leases, subsequently increasing the WAULT and enabling the owner to refinance with a traditional lender at more favourable rates.

3. Strategic Lease Restructuring Using a bridging loan to refinance a low WAULT property allows owners to strategically restructure leases. This can involve negotiating longer lease terms with existing tenants or securing new tenants with favourable lease agreements.

Case Study: Lease Restructuring in an Industrial Park An industrial park with several short-term leases uses a bridging loan to buy time for strategic lease negotiations. The owner engages with current tenants to:

  • Offer lease extensions with favourable terms.
  • Structure leases with incremental rent increases to secure longer commitments.
  • Incentivize new tenants with competitive lease packages.

By successfully restructuring the leases, the owner enhances the WAULT, making the property more appealing for long-term refinancing solutions.

4. Facilitating Property Sale or Exit Strategy For property owners looking to sell or execute an exit strategy, bridging loans can serve as a temporary financing solution. This approach provides the flexibility needed to sell the property at an optimal time without being pressured by expiring leases.

Case Study: Strategic Sale of a Mixed-Use Property A mixed-use property with a low WAULT faces a challenging sale market due to the risk of lease expirations. The owner secures a bridging loan to cover immediate financial needs while marketing the property for sale. During this period, the owner focuses on:

  • Extending leases where possible to increase stability.
  • Highlighting recent improvements and tenant retention efforts to potential buyers.

The bridging loan allows the owner to hold the property until a suitable buyer is found, ensuring a better sale price and smoother transaction process.

Benefits of Bridging Loans for Low WAULT Properties

1. Speed and Flexibility The quick approval and flexible terms of bridging loans make them ideal for addressing the urgent financial needs of properties with low WAULT. This speed allows property owners to act swiftly in securing leases, making improvements, or stabilizing cash flow.

2. Enhanced Property Value By using bridging loans for renovations and lease restructuring, property owners can significantly enhance the property’s value. This not only makes the property more attractive to tenants but also to long-term lenders and potential buyers.

3. Risk Mitigation Bridging loans can mitigate the risks associated with low WAULT by providing the necessary capital to extend leases, reduce vacancies, and improve tenant retention. This reduces the overall risk profile of the property, making it more viable for long-term refinancing.

Risks and Considerations

1. Higher Costs The higher interest rates associated with bridging loans can be a drawback. Property owners must carefully consider the cost of the loan against the potential benefits of increased WAULT and property value.

2. Short-Term Nature Given their short-term nature, bridging loans require a clear exit strategy. Property owners must have a plan in place for refinancing or selling the property before the loan term expires to avoid potential financial strain.

3. Market Conditions The success of using a bridging loan for refinancing low WAULT properties is also dependent on market conditions. Economic downturns or unfavorable market trends can impact the ability to secure long-term leases or attract buyers.


Bridging loans offer a strategic and flexible solution for refinancing properties with a low WAULT. By providing immediate capital, these loans enable property owners to stabilize income, enhance property value, and extend lease terms. While there are associated risks and higher costs, the benefits of improved WAULT and the potential for long-term refinancing at favorable terms can outweigh the drawbacks. With careful planning and execution, bridging loans can be a powerful tool in the real estate investor’s toolkit, particularly for properties facing the challenges of low WAULT.

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